Error! The Server Quit Without Updating PID File On Mac

Error! The Server Quit Without Updating PID File On Mac

Without a doubt, MySQL is a popular database and you can do a lot more than just basic developer tricks. If you are curious about that here is a very detailed guide on tricks any MySQL database developer should know. Getting these annoying errors on MySQL on OSX is a diverse problem because there are multiple reasons behind it. Therefore, there are a number of solutions out there as well.

I’ll save you the trouble of getting confused in commands by combining anything and everything you need to know about MySQL error concerning ‘Error! The Server Quit Without Updating .pid File’. The common reason for this might be when you update OSX.

Google is hell when you want a simple solution to resolve errors and consider yourself lucky to have landed on this article because it’s time to not panic! And follow my lead, we’ll get you sorted in no time! Under Root Cause in this rather unrelated article, I explain in detail why ‘not panicking’ should be your first course of action.

What? The .pid file is gone in the MySQL data folder and I have nowhere to go!

At this point, you might think I’m joking but trust me on this and don’t laugh it off when I ask you to – first, breathe, then – restart your system.

You will be thanking me if it works and in case it doesn’t, well then read onwards in this article!

First off try the good old Restart.

This method might be something that looks insignificant but can do wonders sometimes when the trouble is just a little lag in your PC or software. Think about it, maybe it’s not the software itself that is the problem but you who are stressing the PC by running multiple programs.

There is this Terminal command which might lead to the error. Make sure you enter it correctly and verify it from here.

sudo /usr/local/mysql/support-files/mysql.server start

You should see:

Starting MySQL

. ERROR! The server quit without updating PID file (/usr/local/mysql/data/(computer-name)

Which confirms your error. If you don’t, you’ve successfully fixed the issue with a system reboot! Congrats!

For MySQL’s server specifically if it’s already running, the restart command goes something like:

/usr/local/mysql/support-files/mysql.server restart

Running MySQL on Safe Mode

Sometimes the program might be having issues of its own and require to be diagnosed by your operating system itself. In that case, it won’t start normally and hence, you might have to run it in safe mode. Try running MySQL on safe mode by:

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/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld_safe start

Interested in learning how to, maybe, run Windows in a ‘safe mode?’ Check this article I wrote that gives you hints at how to perform a Windows ‘clean boot!


That Doesn’t Work Either?

In that case my friends, it’s time to take bigger actions. Even if that doesn’t fix your problem it won’t hurt to backup your stuff and restart the whole installation process again.

Are there any .err files?

Simply remove them and create the missing .pid files you can do so by:

(user)@[/usr/local/mysql/data]: sudo /usr/local/mysql/support-files/mysql.server start

Starting MySQL

. ERROR! The server quit without updating PID file (/usr/local/mysql/data/(computer-name)

rm *.err /usr/local/mysql/data/

Make sure you type it in as precisely as possible to avoid any errors.

Try again:

(user)@[/usr/local/mysql/data]: sudo /usr/local/mysql/support-files/mysql.server start

Starting MySQL

No error? Congrats!

There is nowhere to go now and nothing works

In that case, you might want to re-download and re-install MySQL and for a trusted source, which works 100% go to this link to download MySQL straight from Having any intermittent issues with your web connection, and seeing errors while browsing? Try this article on HTTP Error Codes I wrote explaining most of them! After installing all components restart your system. If you have followed the directions properly, you will now have MySQL server running again and with that comes trouble of what to do with all the old data left out. There are different ways to import your old data which will be described later on in this article. Make sure that your database is properly set up.

“Cloud computing is a great euphemism for centralization of computer services under one server.” – Evgeny Morozov

First Option: phpMyAdmin

There are certain tools available to manage your MySQL installations. In that case, you might have phpMyAdmin installed to help out. The reason for specifically mentioning PHP is that it is one of the most commonly used management tools for MySQL. I will list below the steps to migrate data using PHP:

  1. Select the DB in the left column.
  2. There you could see and Export link which you have to click.
  3. Now save the database to a file.
  4. Open a new server and go back to the left column where you can select DB again.
  5. Click on the Import link.
  6. Under the import link choose the file that you want to import.


Download phpMyAdmin from this trusted link.

Keep In Mind:

There are certain factors that lead to using this option so use this method only if you fall under these conditions.

  1. Make sure both servers (ie. your computer before + after) have phpMyAdmin installed.
  2. The database size should be strictly under 50 MB.
  3. Make sure the database size is small enough to meet the upload limit. You can do so by compressing the database file before uploading. This way you can pack in more stuff.

Do not forget that you can only upload smaller database files as large files might be partially uploaded leaving you with a broken application. This method is highly advisable only if you have small databases.

Second Option: MySQL Workbench

MySQL have their GUI product known as MySQL Workbench. It offers a wide range of features, which also include importing and exporting.  Using Workbench, you are capable of migrating data which starts by first establishing a Server Instance for each of the servers.

Now for the next step: open up Server Admin tool by double clicking the instance of the server whose database you want to export.  

Moving on to the left column that is labeled as Data Export, choose the database file that you want to export. After selecting your preferred configurations and clicking Start you can now save the database export files to your computer. Here is a link where you can download Workbench.


Keep In Mind

You need to have remote access available to the MySQL servers you are using (ie. your local user’s permission while using Workbench need to have access to the MySQL instance on your computer). Also, don’t have any other managing tools such as phpMyAdmin installed prior. Consider this option when you believe your database file is rather large as in greater than 50 MB. Now when you think you meet all these conditions make sure you have a stable internet connection since large files take more time and it would be a hassle if your upload stops midway and you have to go through the process all over again along with the additional having to clear up the previously uploaded incomplete files.

Third Option: Command Line

The third option is said to be one of the most preferred methods because of its efficiency. As much as it is efficient it is also very complex, therefore, read the guide carefully before getting your hands dirty.

  1. SSH into the first server for which you might want to use PuTTy (or, your MySQL instance may be local – you can use Terminal).
  2. Execute this command at the terminal. This dumps the database to a file.

    mysqldump -u [username] -p [database_name] > [dumpfilename.sql]

    Enter the password and begin the export.
  3. Once the export is complete compress the file so that the transfer takes place at a quicker rate. For this task run the following command:

    tar zcf dumpfilename.tar.gz dumpfilename.sql
  4. Now you can transfer your compressed file either by providing the web address or using FTP to download or upload the file.
  5. Uncompress the file using this command:

    tar zxf dumpfilename.tar.gz
  6. I know you might be confused with all these commands, but finally, we are on the easier part. We now import the file for which you will have to you the command mentioned below.

    mysql -u [username] -p [database_name] < [dumpfilename.sql]
  7. Again you will have to enter a password and begin your download. You can identify the completion of import once terminal returns to the ready cursor.
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Keep in mind

Make sure you only use this method when you don’t have phpMyAdmin installed. This method is viable in case you don’t have remote web access to the database server. This method provides the user with total control over the process and hence has greater complexity. Specifically, for use when the database is large – or if you just feel more comfortable with a Terminal window!


I would definitely suggest using phpMyAdmin for smaller files and MySQL Workbench for larger ones. Even so, there are certain downsides to using Workbench which cannot be overlooked.

One of them is relative to your Internet speed, if you have slow Internet then get ready for hours of boredom and staring at the screen in agony as it’s going to take a long time to upload. Workbench is a buggy tool, therefore, my personal recommendation would be to use Command Line method. Albeit a complex one, it will be feasible if you know what goes where and run the uploading and downloading smoothly. Don’t you just hate it when the download stops midway or when it is done but the files are incomplete? To avoid that, go for Command Line option.

Have Issues Regarding Windows OS, Android, iOS?

Most people are not very committed when it comes to operating systems. You could be using Mac on one hand and still cheat on it with some Windows device because of their accessibility options or even gaming.

If you seem to have a tough time coming to terms with errors in Windows this Ultimate Windows Error Codes article will definitely help you out. For handheld devices that run Android go to this link about Google Play Error 927 for a solution to the given Google Play store error.

Moreover, should you want to read more about what I’ve written here on Error Codes Pro feel free to click on my name as the author – up top of this article – for pages of like articles. If you have a specific error code in mind, try searching it in the top-right and someone here at Error Codes Pro has more than likely covered your issue!



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